
Elevating the user experience of a renowned fitness tracker app through a strategic.


UI Artist & Gameplay Designer




5 Months



Team Size


Exploring Witness Bias

My team & I worked on this game during our Alternative Development class which focused on creating a game for a goal outside of purely entertainment. Fractured focuses on witness bias and how peoples' recollection of events can be inaccurate or biased. You play through the events as three different characters, each with their own recollection of the events.

Channeling your inner detective

Besides making the game's UI I also contributed to the design of several of it's mechanics. We wanted to add some sort of time limit when playing to force the player to collect as much info available while they can. Rather than using a timer I thought a clock would be a more fitting way to showcase this for the player. Since the player is playing as three different characters we wanted them to be able to keep track of their findings, this was done by the notepad.


Creating a game not strictly for entertainment was a really interesting design experience since there was more to consider when creating engaging gameplay for the player. This was also my first using Unity to make a 2.5D game, this was challenging because I wasn't familiar with the game engine or working with a dialogue system before. I do think it was valuable to make a game in an engine besides Unreal to see the strengths and weaknesses between the two.

Copyright 2024 by Kyle Vest

Copyright 2024 by Kyle Vest

Copyright 2024 by Kyle Vest